Browse by Subject: Gardens

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First Ladies and Their Orchids: A Century of Namesake Cattleyas

For as long as orchid hybrids have been made, breeders have been naming them after prominent women of the day. Chadwick & Son Orchids has named and presented namesake cattleyas to nineteen consecutive First Ladies. First Ladies and Their Orchids: A Century of Namesake Cattleyas tells the story of these nineteen hybrids and the First Ladies they were named after, from Woodrow Wilson’s second wife, Edith, who coveted “canaries, bourbon, and orchids,” through Doctor Jill Biden, who lives just minutes from the Chadwick home in Wilmington, Delaware.

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Climate-Wise Landscaping: Practical Actions for a Sustainable Future, Second Edition

This book is packed with simple, practical steps for beautifying any landscape or garden, while helping protect the planet and the species that call it home. This book is the ideal tool for homeowners, gardeners, and landscape professionals who want to be part of the solution to climate change.

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100 Roses for the South Florida Garden

Illustrated with beautiful color photographs, this guide equips home gardeners and landscape professionals alike with the knowledge to successfully grow roses in the tropical climate of South Florida.

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Citrus Growing in Florida, 5th Edition

This concise, comprehensive book combines the practical day-to-day aspects of citrus growing with underlying horticultural principles in a clear, easy to read style.

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Adventures of a Transplanted Gardener: Advice for New Florida Gardeners

Ideal for gardeners new to Florida as well as residents who want to try their hands at gardening for the first time, this starter guide helps readers learn to grow plants in the state’s unique natural environment.

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Your Florida Guide to Butterfly Gardening: A Guide for the Deep South, Second Edition

In this easy-to-use and brightly illustrated introductory guide, Jaret Daniels shows beginners how to create a haven for butterflies and other flower-loving wildlife in Florida and throughout the Deep South.

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The Ecology of the Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of Northern Florida

This book is a compendium of ecological information on 244 species of trees, shrubs, and woody vines found in the northern half of the Florida peninsula and in the Florida panhandle.

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Illustrated Plants of Florida and the Coastal Plain

Updated with over 200 new illustrations as well as current plant names and taxonomies, this volume is an indispensable identification guide to nearly 1,400 species of plants, both common and rare, found in Florida and neighboring coastal states.

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Wildflowers of Florida and the Southeast

Wildflowers of Florida and the Southeast provides photographs and concise descriptions for many of the plants that occur in Florida and throughout the Gulf and Eastern Coastal Plains, particularly from North Carolina west into eastern Texas. 

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Grasses of Florida

Grasses are the fourth largest family of flowering plants worldwide. In Florida, grasses occur in every habitat and are the dominant ground cover across many regions. Grasses of Florida is the first complete systematic account of the grasses that occur in the wild throughout the state.