Much has been made of the dramatic rise of Protestantism in Latin America. Many view this as a sign that Catholicism’s primacy in the region is at last beginning to wane. Overlooked by journalists and scholars has been the parallel growth of Charismatic, or Pentecostal, Catholicism in the region. Edward Cleary offers the first comprehensive treatment of this movement, revealing its importance to the Catholic Church as well as the people of Latin America.
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Sinan Koont has spent the last several years researching urban agriculture in Cuba, including field work at many sustainable farms on the island. He tells the story of why and how Cuba was able to turn to urban food production on a large scale with minimal use of chemicals, petroleum, and machinery, and of the successes it achieved--along with the continuing difficulties it still faces in reducing its need for food imports.
While difficult to define--and sometimes even to locate--the Hispanic Caribbean is fraught with tension. The region includes nations that have common histories yet very different contemporary political characteristics. This essay collection maps out the
Based on vivid testimonies of 14 prominent Afro-Cubans, this book looks at how race affects daily life in Cuba. Interviewees from different generations, regions—& representing the arts, media, industry, academe, & medicine—all respond to 4 questions: Wh