Browse by Subject: Archaeology

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The Archaeology of Craft and Industry

In this expansive yet concise survey, Christopher Fennell discusses archaeological research from sites across the United States that once manufactured, harvested, or processed commodities, uncovering key insights into American history.

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Negotiating Heritage through Education and Archaeology: Colonialism, National Identity, and Resistance in Belize

Combining years of ethnographic research with British imperial archival sources, this book reveals how cultural heritage has been negotiated by colonial, independent state, and community actors in Belize from the late nineteenth century to the present.

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Quilcapampa: A Wari Enclave in Southern Peru

Analyzing evidence from the site of Quilcapampa in the Sihuas Valley of Southern Peru, contributors to this volume discuss the ninth-century settlement’s relationship to the broader Wari empire and reimagine the empire’s role in the widespread changes of the Andean Middle Horizon period.

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The Archaeology of New Netherland: A World Built on Trade

This volume illuminates the influence of the Dutch empire in North America, assembling evidence from seventeenth-century settlements located in present-day New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.

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Earth Politics and Intangible Heritage: Three Case Studies in the Americas

Focusing on three communities in the Americas, this book layers archaeological research with oral narratives and social memories, demonstrating a way of reconciling the tension between Western scientific and local Indigenous approaches to history.

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Heritage and the Existential Need for History

In a sweeping survey of archaeological sites dating from a span of thousands of years and located across continents, this book asks fundamental questions about the place of cultural heritage in Western society.

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Falls of the Ohio River: Archaeology of Native American Settlement

Falls of the Ohio River presents current archaeological research on an important landscape feature of what is now Louisville, Kentucky, demonstrating how humans and the environment mutually affected each other in the area for the past 12,000 years.

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The Archaeology of Island Colonization: Global Approaches to Initial Human Settlement

This volume details how new theories and methods have recently advanced the archaeological study of initial human colonization of islands around the world, including in the southwest Pacific, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia.

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Unearthing St. Mary's City: Fifty Years of Archaeology at Maryland's First Capital

This volume summarizes the remarkably diverse archaeological discoveries made during the past half century of investigations at the site of St. Mary’s City, the first capital of Maryland and one of the earliest European settlements in America.

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A History of Platform Mound Ceremonialism: Finding Meaning in Elevated Ground

This book presents a temporally and geographically broad yet detailed history of an important form of Native American architecture, the platform mound, revealing unexpected continuities in moundbuilding over many thousands of years.