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River of the Golden Ibis

First published in 1973 in HRW's American River series, this Florida classic is an informal history of the Hillsborough River. In a narrative that is as exciting to read as it is historically compelling, Gloria Jahoda traces the Hillsborough River’s origin to prehistoric times, chronicles the arrivals of the conquistadores, the missionaries, and the marauders greedy for civilizing and for treasure, and points out how 20th-century ambitions threaten to destroy the environment as surely as earlier encroachment annihilated native peoples.



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Cassadaga: The South's Oldest Spiritualist Community

Tells the story of the south's oldest spirtualist community, Cassadaga, founded in central Florida over a century ago on the principle of continuous life, the idea that spirits of the dead commune with the living. This is the first serious work to examine

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Contemplations of a Primal Mind

Essays from popular Native American author White Deer of Autumn on the theme of living in a primal, sacred relationship to the natural world. Emphasizing New Age and Native American spiritual themes, he shares oral tradition narratives

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Al Burt's Florida: Snowbirds, Sand Castles, and Self-Rising Crackers

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Totch: A Life in the Everglades

Until he wrote this memoir--recollections from his childhood in the twenties that merge with reflections on a way of life dying at the hands of progress in the nineties--Totch had never read a book in his life. Still, his writing conveys the tension he experienced from trying to live off the land and within the laws of the land.

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Jane Nickerson's Florida Cookbook

The food columnist of the New York Times’ Florida newspapers presents a feast of tested recipes typical of a state famed for its fine foods.

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Folksongs of Florida

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Florida Folktales