Browse by Subject: Natural History

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Mysterious Manatees

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From the Swamp to the Keys: A Paddle through Florida History

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A Field Guide and Identification Manual for Florida and Eastern U.S. Tiger Beetles

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The Wild Orchids of North America, North of Mexico

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Guide to the Great Florida Birding Trail: East Section

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Grasshoppers of Florida

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Nehrling's Plants, People, and Places in Early Florida

Essays by a pioneering Florida horticulturist describing tropical Ft. Myers and other favorite natural places in Florida, early Florida gardens and gardeners (including Edison, David Fairchild, and Charles Deering), and his observations on a variety

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Nehrling's Early Florida Gardens

Essays by a pioneering Florida horticulturist describing his first gardens in Florida, early experiences with the climate and soils, and observations on a wide range of plants including conifers, live oaks, myrtles, orchids, flowering trees, bromeliads,

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Florida's Fragile Wildlife: Conservation and Management

Conservation and management of Florida’s vulnerable wildlife and their habitat has been of great concern for decades, and Florida’s Fragile Wildlife is a primer for natural resource managers on how to achieve it. Examining more than 20 threatened species