Browse by Subject: Anthropology and Archaeology

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The Bioarchaeology of Violence

Experts on a wide range of ancient societies highlight the meaning and motivation of past uses of violence, revealing how violence often plays an important role in maintaining and suppressing the challenges to the status quo, and how it is frequently a performance meant to be witnessed by others.

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Maya and Catholic Cultures in Crisis

Drawing on his personal experiences as a graduate student, a Roman Catholic priest in the region and his extensive archival research, Early constructs detailed case histories of the Maya uprisings against the governments of Guatemala and Mexico, exploring Liberation Catholicism’s integral role in these rebellions as well as in the evolutions of Maya and Catholic theologies.

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Late Prehistoric Florida: Archaeology at the Edge of the Mississippian World

Featuring contributions from some of the most prominent researchers in the field, this collection describes and synthesizes the latest data from excavations throughout Florida.

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Chan: An Ancient Maya Farming Community

Chan offers a synthesis of compelling and groundbreaking discoveries gathered over ten years of research at this one archaeological site in Belize.

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Jefferson's Poplar Forest: Unearthing a Virginia Plantation

One hundred years in the life of a founding father 's 5,000 acre "retreat"

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Early New World Monumentality

In this collection, prominent archaeologists explore the sophisticated political and logistical organizations that were required to plan and complete these architectural marvels.

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The Bioarchaeology of Individuals

From Bronze Age Thailand to Viking Iceland, from an Egyptian oasis to a family farm in Canada, The Bioarchaeology of Individuals invites readers to unearth the daily lives of people throughout history.

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Violence, Ritual, and the Wari Empire: A Social Bioarchaeology of Imperialism in the Ancient Andes

This study of human skeletons reveals the biological and social impact of Wari imperialism on people's lives, particularly its effects on community organization and frequency of violence of both ruling elites and subjects. 

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Comparative Perspectives on Afro-Latin America

Comparative Perspectives on Afro-Latin America offers a new, dynamic discussion of the experience of blackness and cultural difference, black political mobilization, and state responses to Afro-Latin activism throughout Latin America.

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The Archaeology of Pineland: A Coastal Southwest Florida Site Complex, A.D. 50-1710