Browse by Subject: Florida

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Snorkeling Florida: 50 Excellent Sites

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The Florida Life of Thomas Edison

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Race, Religion, and Economic Change in the Republican South: A Study of a Southern City

Drawing on research that includes over 2,000 surveys and interviews, Corrigan considers whether or not Republicans, who now hold a majority of federal offices in the South, can provide a political system to meet the region's problems.

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Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814–15 with an At: Expanded Edition

A classic reprint (revised and expanded edition) of what is widely regarded as the best eyewitness account of the climactic military campaign of the War of 1812--the Battle of New Orleans,

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A Brief Guide to Florida's Monuments and Memorials

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Land of Sunshine, State of Dreams: A Social History of Modern Florida

From New Spain, to Old South, to New South, to Sunbelt, the story of how and why millions have come to Florida and influenced the enduring but changing meanings of a dreamstate. 52 b&w and 6 color photos, 4 maps.

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When Steamboats Reigned in Florida

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Sandspurs: Notes from a Coastal Columnist

Far from the myth of surf, sand, and orange juice, Mark Lane's snapshots of life in the Sunshine State are more likely to feature gargantuan insects than bikini-clad coeds.

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The Sunshine Economy: An Economic History of Florida since the Civil War

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Nino Pernetti's Caffè Abbracci Cookbook: His Life Story and Travels around the World