Laetitia Cairoli spent a year in the ancient city of Fes; Girls of the Factory tells the story of what life is like for working women. Forced to find a factory job herself so that she could speak more intimately with working women, Cairoli was able to learn firsthand why they work, what working means to them, and how important earning a wage is to their sense of self.
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In Velvet Jihad Faegheh Shirazi reveals the creative strategies Muslim women have adopted to quietly fight against those who would limit their growing rights.
Argues that the key factor in the Moroccan government's stability is its ability to provide food to its people in an equitable manner, despite arid conditions.
This volume focuses on Islamic movements, emphasizing the importance of the Berber dimension of contemporary North African society and politics, and highlighting a crucial transnational perspective that underscores the Maghrib’s ties to Europe.