Browse by Subject: Middle East Studies

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Beyond Turk and Hindu: Rethinking Religious Identities in Islamicate South Asia

This essay collection challenges the popular presumption that Muslims and Hindus are irreconcilably different groups, inevitably conflicting with each other. Invoking a new vocabulary that depicts a neglected substratum of Muslim-Hindu commonality, the

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The Many Faces of Islam: Perspectives on a Resurgent Civilization

Seeking to dispel the perception that Islamic fundamentalism and extremism represent Islam in it entirety, Rejwan argues that to view Islam as uniform invites confusion and miscomprehension. The rich sampling of readings demostrates the surprising variety

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Muslim Women: Crafting a North American Identity

Using interviews with 14 Muslim women from Canada, the author (herself an immigrant) examines how the women challenge and resist stereotypes and achieve new ways of being Muslim. Provides an account of the trauma these women experience during dislocation

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Women and War in Lebanon

Edited collection of essays examining the impact of the 1975-90 civil war in Lebanon on women--both as a potent oppressor and as a catalyst for liberation from social strictures. Several essays challenge the assumption that women are pacifists by nature.

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Moderate and Radical Islamic Fundamentalism: The Quest for Modernity, Legitimacy, and the Islamic State

Redefining the bases and scope of modern Islamic thought, Moussalli suggests that Islamic fundamentalism might prove to be a liberating theology for the modern Islamic world.

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Sudan in Crisis: The Failure of Democracy

A former US ambassador offers a firsthand account of how Sudan, a promising North African democracy since 1956, failed to solve crucial problems at home and abroad and so brought about its own overthrow by Islamic fundamentalists.

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The Communist Movement in Syria and Lebanon

First comprehensive examination of the communist m

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Middle Eastern Women and the Invisible Economy

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Modern Islamic Art: Development and Continuity

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Population, Poverty, and Politics in Middle East Cities