Search Results for 'Barbara A. Purdy'


1183 results for 'Barbara A. Purdy'  

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The American Lawrence

Reassessing Lawrence's relationship to American modernism and his American literary contemporaries, Jenkins offers new insights into the literary exchange between America and Europe.

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Cahokia: A World Renewal Cult Heterarchy

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The Archaeology of Prostitution and Clandestine Pursuits

<em>The Archaeology of Prostitution and Clandestine Pursuits</em>&nbsp;synthesizes case studies from various nineteenth-century sites where material culture reveals evidence of prostitution, including a brothel in Five Points, New York City&rsquo;s most notorious neighborhood, and parlor houses a few blocks&nbsp; from the White House and Capitol Hill.

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Veterans' Policies, Veterans' Politics: New Perspectives on Veterans in the Modern United States

<em>Veterans' Policies, Veterans' Politics</em>&nbsp;is the first multidisciplinary, comprehensive examination of the American veteran experience.

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Healthcare without Borders: Understanding Cuban Medical Internationalism

In&nbsp;<em>Healthcare without Borders</em>, John Kirk examines the role of Cuban medical teams in disaster relief, biotechnology joint ventures, and in the Latin American School of Medicine--the largest medical faculty in the world.&nbsp;

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Aztec City-State Capitals

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Forever Young: A Life of Adventure in Air and Space

The much-anticipated autobiography of a veteran astronaut.

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Caribbean Rum: A Social and Economic History

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German-Speaking Officers in the U.S. Colored Troops, 1863-1867