Search Results for 'Barbara A. Purdy'


1183 results for 'Barbara A. Purdy'  

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Tampa Bay: The Story of an Estuary and Its People

This book explores the environmental history of the largest open water estuary in Florida, revealing how people have interacted with nature throughout the long history of Tampa Bay.

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Digging Miami

In this book, Robert Carr traces the rich 11,000-year human heritage of the Miami area from the time of its first inhabitants through the arrival of European settlers and up to the early twentieth century.

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Cuba at a Crossroads: Politics and Economics after the Fourth Party Congress

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Israel in the Nineties: Development and Conflict

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Short Stories by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

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Dressing the Part: Power, Dress, Gender, and Representation in the Pre-Columbian Americas

Costume can reveal a wealth of information about an individual&rsquo;s identity within society. <em>Dressing the Part</em> looks at the ways individuals in the ancient Americas used clothing, hairstyle, and personal ornaments to express status and power, gender identity, and group affiliations, even from the grave.

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Indian Traders on the Southeast Border

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Joyce's Music and Noise: Theme and Variation in His Writings

Explains all of Joyce's writing in terms of music

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Massacres: Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology Approaches

This volume integrates data from researchers in bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology to explain when and why group-targeted violence occurs. Massacres have plagued both ancient and modern societies, and by analyzing skeletal remains from these events within their broader cultural and historical contexts this volume opens up important new understandings of the underlying social processes that continue to lead to these tragedies.

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Flora of Florida, Volume V: Dicotyledons, Gisekiaceae through Boraginaceae

Florida has the third most diverse vascular plant flora of any state in the United States, and the&nbsp;Flora of Florida&nbsp;volumes include all indigenous and naturalized taxa currently known to occur within its borders. With keys to family, genus, and species, and with genera and species within each family arranged alphabetically for easy reference, these volumes are the standard reference for botanists, researchers, consultants, and students alike.