Examining changes to the institution of divine kingship from 750 to 950 CE in the Maya lowland cities, this volume presents a new way of studying the collapse of that civilization and the transformation of political systems between the Terminal Classic and Postclassic Periods.
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This volume showcases new research on the global reach of Latin American revolutionary movements during the height of the Cold War, mapping out the region’s little-known connections with Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Tyler Gillespie takes readers on an exuberant search for the state behind the caricatures, finding Florida’s humanity: a beautiful mix of hopes, dreams, and second chances.
This book examines the complexities of life for African Americans in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley from the antebellum period through Reconstruction, showing how enslaved and free African Americans resisted slavery and supported the Union war effort in a borderland that changed hands frequently during the Civil War.
Inspiring, revealing, and deeply relatable, Being a Ballerina is a firsthand look at the realities of life as a professional ballet dancer, showing what it takes to live a life dedicated to the perfection of the art form.
This volume summarizes the remarkably diverse archaeological discoveries made during the past half century of investigations at the site of St. Mary’s City, the first capital of Maryland and one of the earliest European settlements in America.
This book presents a temporally and geographically broad yet detailed history of an important form of Native American architecture, the platform mound, revealing unexpected continuities in moundbuilding over many thousands of years.
The Florida Manatee is an engaging, accessible introduction to manatee biology from two scientists who have been at the forefront of manatee research for over three decades.
This book explores the lives and careers of Todd Bolender and Janet Reed, two unsung trailblazers who were pivotal to the development of ballet in America over the course of the twentieth century.