Browse by Subject: Political Science

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War and State Building in the Middle East

War and State Building in the Middle East addresses the strengths and weaknesses of the authoritarian-regime governments commonly found in the Middle East, particularly among oil-rich countries.

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Kurdish Identity: Human Rights and Political Status

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Women and Gender in Early Jewish and Palestinian Nationalism

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Nonviolence and Peace Building in Islam: Theory and Practice

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Against Islamic Extremism: The Writings of Muhammad Sa`id al-‘Ashmawy

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Sudan in Crisis: The Failure of Democracy

A former US ambassador offers a firsthand account of how Sudan, a promising North African democracy since 1956, failed to solve crucial problems at home and abroad and so brought about its own overthrow by Islamic fundamentalists.

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Population, Poverty, and Politics in Middle East Cities

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The Six-Day War: A Retrospective

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Peasants and Politics in the Modern Middle East