Browse by Subject: History

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Florida Hurricanes and Tropical Storms: 1871-2001, Expanded Edition

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A Seminole Legend: The Life of Betty Mae Tiger Jumper

The life and times of the first female head of the Seminole Tribe, the most decorated member of the Seminole Tribe of Florida.

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An Early Florida Adventure Story: The Fray Andrés de San Miguel Account

Among documents of Florida’s Spanish colonial period, few eyewitness accounts exist. One of these, the 1595 narrative by Fray Andrés de San Miguel, describes the two-year odyssey of a teenager from Spain across the Atlantic to Mexico, Havana, and Florida

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Colonial Plantations and Economy in Florida

This illustrated collection documents the rich history of Florida's earliest indigo, rice, and cotton plantations, timbering operations, and Atlantic commericial networks. Based on primary research in archives in England, Scotland, Spain, Cuba, Minorca,

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The French in Early Florida: In the Eye of the Hurricane

Depicts the dramatic fate of the expeditions that attempted to plant a permanent French presence on North America's eastern seaboard during the 1560s. This campaign became one of the most stunning defeats in the history of European colonialism when

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Claude Pepper and Ed Ball: Politics, Purpose, and Power

Tells the story of the power struggle between Claude Pepper and Ed Ball in the 1900s that largely determined the future of Florida. Trustee of the duPont empire, Ed Ball was Florida's most powerful businessman. Pepper, a US senator, was a powerful New Dea

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The Timucua Indians -- A Native American Detective Story

An interactive, hands-on introduction to the inhabitants of 16th-century Florida and the methods that archaeologists and historians use to study them. 47 "Detective Directives" invite kids to follow clues & conduct their own investigative activities:

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Beechers, Stowes, and Yankee Strangers: The Transformation of Florida

This book tells the story of Harriet Beecher Stowe (author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin), her brother Charles, and a small group of Yankee reformers who lived in Reconstruction Florida

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Primitive Baptists of the Wiregrass South: 1815 to the Present

Writing with insight and sensitivity, Crowley navigates the history of this denomination through the 20th century and the emergence of at least twenty mutually exclusive factions of Primitive Baptists in this specific region of the Deep South.

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Rose Cottage Chronicles: Civil War Letters of the Bryant-Stephens Families of North Florida

As fresh and poignant today as when they were written, these touching letters and diaries capture the heart of everyday life during the Civil War.