Browse by Subject: Archaeology

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Archaeological Perspectives on the American Civil War

From studies of Antietam Battlefield, site of the bloodiest day in American military history, to Andersonville, the infamous Confederate prison, these graphically illustrated essays broaden our understanding of the American Civil War. They demonstrate how

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Salt: White Gold of the Ancient Maya

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Public Benefits of Archaeology

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Music of El Dorado: The Ethnomusicology of Ancient South American Cultures

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Corn in Clay: Maize Paleoethnobotany in Precolumbian Art

In a novel and interdisciplinary form of scholarship, the author combines botany, archaeology, and art history in this study of contact between ancient American cultures. Focusing on the Zapotec of Mexico and the Moche of Peru, the author integrates

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Chiefdoms and Chieftaincy in the Americas

Edited collection of essays on the dynamics of chi

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Ancient Earthen Enclosures of the Eastern Woodlands