Browse by Subject: Florida

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The Nine Lives of Florida's Famous Key Marco Cat

The story of an iconic artifact that has prevailed over impossibly long odds, this book explores the deep past of the Key Marco Cat, fascinating readers with the miracle and beauty of this rare example of pre-Columbian art.

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The Ecology of the Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of Northern Florida

This book is a compendium of ecological information on 244 species of trees, shrubs, and woody vines found in the northern half of the Florida peninsula and in the Florida panhandle.

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Facing Florida: Essays on Culture and Religion in Early Modern Southeastern America

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Key Lime Desserts

Gourmets and novices alike will rave over easy-to-prepare recipes such as Key Lime Drop Cookies, Frozen Key Lime Cake Supreme, and Key Lime Rum Sherbet.

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The Florida Manatee: Biology and Conservation, Second Edition

The Florida Manatee is an engaging, accessible introduction to manatee biology from two scientists who have been at the forefront of manatee research for over three decades.

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The Thing about Florida: Exploring a Misunderstood State

Tyler Gillespie takes readers on an exuberant search for the state behind the caricatures, finding Florida’s humanity: a beautiful mix of hopes, dreams, and second chances.

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The Art of Birds: Grace and Motion in the Wild

In photographs that surprise with their eye-catching composition and amaze with their detail, Jim Miller captures the beauty of birds as most people never see them, encouraging viewers to marvel at the elegant combination of form and function in bird species.

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Florida Scrub-Jay: Field Notes on a Vanishing Bird

With a writer’s eye and an explorer’s spirit, Mark Walters travels the state to report on the natural history and current predicament of Florida’s flagship bird, providing a portrait of a species on the brink.

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The Wilder Heart of Florida: More Writers Inspired by Florida Nature

In this captivating collection, Florida’s most notable authors, poets, and environmentalists take readers on a journey through the natural wonders of the state.

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Illustrated Plants of Florida and the Coastal Plain

Updated with over 200 new illustrations as well as current plant names and taxonomies, this volume is an indispensable identification guide to nearly 1,400 species of plants, both common and rare, found in Florida and neighboring coastal states.