Browse by Subject: Literature

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The Remaking of an American

First published in 1928, Elizabeth Banks' autobiography tells the story of a pioneering, American woman journalist in London at a time when women wrote only for the society & fashion pages. A regular contributor to Punch, & the Daily News, Banks created a

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Edith Wharton's Dialogue with Realism and Sentimental Fiction

Most analyses of Wharton's work describe her early triumph as a realist and her decline in the 1920s into sentimental fiction. Hoeller shows that Wharton created a dialogue between the two traditions & used the sentimental voice to express the truth of fe

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Shaw's Theater

Examines Shaw's work in the theater and the use of theater in his work. Part I, "Bernard Shaw, Director" was originally published in 1971 and remains the most authoritative work on this aspect of Shaw. Part II: "The Director as Interpreter:

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Mastering Aesop: Medieval Education, Chaucer, and His Followers

Drawing on exhaustive study of over 100 manuscripts and several versions of Aesop's fables, Wheatley traces the use of the standard medieval Latin fable collection across Europe, the constructions of Aesop that affected that use, and the scholastic

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Italo Calvino: A Journey toward Postmodernism

In this introduction to the work of Italo Calvino, the author, a friend of Calvino's, traces his development as of one of the first and most defining of the postmodernists. Examines his ties to authors Beckett, Borges, Kafka, Conrad, and Twain.

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Colette, Beauvoir, and Duras: Age and Women Writers

A pioneering study of Colette, Simone de Beauvoir, & Marguerite Duras and the ways in which the aging process shaped their creativity, their work, and their lives. Examines each woman's identity--as a French woman, as an aging woman, & as a woman writer.

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Jewett and Her Contemporaries: Reshaping the Canon

Edited collection of essays on the work of the 19th-century American (Maine) writer Sarah Orne Jewett, author of The Country of the Pointed Firs. Considers gender, regionalism, class, and cross-influences with contemporaries Howells, Cather, and Wharton.

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Reputations of the Tongue: On Poets and Poetry

Witty, contentious, brutually frank essays by "the most hated man in American poetry" on the deplorable quality of poetry in our age. A "neo-formalist," Logan devotes longer essays to the work of masters Auden, Snodgrass, Justice, & Hill.

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The Writing of War: French and German Fiction and World War II

Combines literary history and textual analysis to argue that many established French and German writers (Mann, Junger, Camus, Sartre) were unsuccessful in their attempts to write about World War II because they refused

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Penelope: The Story of the Half-Scalped Woman--A Narrative Poem

A poetic narrative of the life of a woman shipwrecked in the 1640s on the shores of modern-day New Jersey, a woman who was axed in the belly, half-scalped and left for dead by the Lenape Indians, then nursed