Browse by Subject: Literature

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The Private Marjorie: The Love Letters of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings to Norton S. Baskin

This extraordinary trove of letters offers the most intimate portrait available of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, the Pulitzer-Prize-winning novelist.

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Coleridge's Melancholia: An Anatomy of Limbo

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Underwater City

In her first collection of poems, Kelle Groom explores the reasons and mysteries that create personal relationships.

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King Arthur and the Myth of History

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Edith Wharton's Writings from the Great War

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Dirt Eaters

With vivid characters and striking details, Grimm examines her Cracker ancestry and the consequences of leaving a place and family steeped in the history and traditions of the South.

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Violence and Modernism: Ibsen, Joyce, and Woolf

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Our Lives Are Rivers

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The Aesthetics of Chaos: Nonlinear Thinking and Contemporary Literary Criticism

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E-mails from Scheherazad