Browse by Subject: Literature

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Dangerous Masculinities: Conrad, Hemingway, and Lawrence

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Joyce's Misbelief

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Anne Sexton's Confessional Poetics

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Ezra Pound's Economic Correspondence, 1933-1940

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The Sword Went Out to Sea: (Synthesis of a Dream), by Delia Alton

Never before published, The Sword Went Out to Sea is the first book in H.D.'s prose trilogy that continues with White Rose and the Red and concludes with The Mystery. This complex, semi-autobiographical novel combines H.D.'s interest in the occult and experiences during the Blitz, and sheds light on the aesthetics and origins of literary modernism.

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British Representations of Latin America

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Claude McKay, Code Name Sasha: Queer Black Marxism and the Harlem Renaissance

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Joyce's Rare View: The Nature of Things in Finnegans Wake

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Rhetorical Readings, Dark Comedies, and Shakespeare's Problem Plays