Browse by Subject: Literature

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Ulysses in Focus: Genetic, Textual, and Personal Views

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Thoreau the Land Surveyor

Henry David Thoreau, one of America’s most prominent environmental writers, supported himself as a land surveyor for much of his life, parceling land that would be sold off to loggers. In the only study of its kind, Patrick Chura analyzes this seeming contradiction to show how the best surveyor in Concord combined civil engineering with civil disobedience.

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Who's Afraid of James Joyce?

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Joyce, Medicine, and Modernity

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Modernist Cultural Studies

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The Mystery

A hybrid novel combining modernist stream-of-consciousness and medieval legend, The Mystery completes H.D.'s cycle of romances following The Sword Went Out to Sea and White Rose and the Red. It reveals her feminist theology and writes finis to her obsession with spiritualism. Jane Augustine's introduction and extensive notes provide a significantly enlarged view of H.D.'s religious thinking.

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Bloomsday 100: Essays on Ulysses

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T. S. Eliot's Parisian Year

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Posting It: The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing

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White Rose and the Red

Never before published, White Rose and the Red is the fictional biography of Elizabeth Siddall, wife of English poet and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti