Browse by Subject: Literature

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Joyce, Medicine, and Modernity

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Modernist Cultural Studies

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The Mystery

A hybrid novel combining modernist stream-of-consciousness and medieval legend, The Mystery completes H.D.'s cycle of romances following The Sword Went Out to Sea and White Rose and the Red. It reveals her feminist theology and writes finis to her obsession with spiritualism. Jane Augustine's introduction and extensive notes provide a significantly enlarged view of H.D.'s religious thinking.

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Bloomsday 100: Essays on Ulysses

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T. S. Eliot's Parisian Year

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Posting It: The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing

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White Rose and the Red

Never before published, White Rose and the Red is the fictional biography of Elizabeth Siddall, wife of English poet and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti

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Broadcasting Modernism

The contributors to Broadcasting Modernism argue that radio led to changes in textual and generic forms.

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A Guide through Finnegans Wake

This accessible guide approaches the daunting work in a way that provides handrails for beginners while, at the same time, presenting new insights for experienced readers.

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The Letters of Laurence Sterne: Part Two, 1765–1768: Volume 8 of the Florida Edition of the Works of Laurence Sterne

The culmination of more than forty years of research