University of Florida Press

Please note that while you may order forthcoming books at any time, they will not be available for shipment until shortly before publication date

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When the Seas Rise: Global Changes and Local Impacts

When the Seas Rise takes us on an eye-opening journey from the dying coastal forests, where salt-killed tree trunks stand like sentinels of a retreating army, to the high tide-flooded streets of cities from St. Augustine to Key West. Meet the scientists at the University of Florida--researchers in biology, geology, entomology, horticulture, urban and regional planning, as well as other fields--who, along with other experts around the state, are planning for the sea change already upon us and the greater changes to come.

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The Wind Engineers: Building a Hurricane-Safe House

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No Student Left Behind: Transforming Education in the Online Classroom

No Student Left Behind traces the earliest correspondence programs to the most cutting-edge practices of online learning at UF, looking at some of the first implementations of an online class and exploring how the brain works in front of a computer screen.

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The Disease Detectives: Unraveling How Viruses Go Viral

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Building a Better Tomato: The Quest to Perfect "The Scandalous Fruit"

In the search for a superior alternative to bland and mealy grocery-store tomatoes, horticultural scientist Harry Klee and renowned taste researcher Linda Bartoshuk teamed up and embarked on a mission to find a specimen that will have you thinking you just picked it in your own back yard.