Search Results for 'Barbara A. Purdy'


1167 results for 'Barbara A. Purdy'  

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The Wide Brim: Early Poems and Ponderings of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

Often described as the savior of the Everglades, Marjory Stoneman Douglas is best known for having been Florida's most passionate environmentalist, but she was first, foremost, and always a writer. As the author of fiction and nonfiction books, most notably&nbsp;<em>The Everglades: River of Grass</em>, and scores of short stories, Douglas devoted over ninety years to her career as a writer. Her fascinating and little-known work as a journalist began as a columnist for the&nbsp;<em>Miami Herald</em>.&nbsp;

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Dominican Migration: Transnational Perspectives

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Southern Methodist Women and Social Justice: Interracial Activism in the Long Twentieth Century

This book tells the stories of nine southern Methodist women, who, inspired by their faith, advocated for progressive reform by fighting for racial equality, challenging white male supremacy, and addressing class oppression.

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Earth Architecture: From Ancient to Modern

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A View of West Florida

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Adventures in Archaeology: The Wreck of the <i>Orca II</i> and Other Explorations

Wrecked aircraft and abandoned airfields, old highway billboards and derelict boats, movie props, deserted mining operations. In this book, archaeologist P.J. Capelotti explores places and things that people don&rsquo;t typically think of as archaeological sites and artifacts, introducing readers to the most extreme fieldwork taking place today.

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Wake Rites: The Ancient Irish Rituals of <i>Finnegans Wake</i>

Demonstrating remarkable parallels between specific events and performers of the Rites and the episodes and characters comprising<em>&nbsp;Finnegans Wake</em>, Gibson shows that every event and performer at the Rites has a correlate in the novel, and all Wakean episodes and performers have their parallels in the Rites of Tara. Ultimately, he argues, Joyce structured his novel according to the Teamhur Feis, and&nbsp;<em>Finnegans Wake</em>&nbsp;is a calculated reenactment of the most important event in Irish paganism.&nbsp;

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Bid Me to Live

In the riveting and intense&nbsp;<em>Bid Me to Live</em>, H.D. documents her traumatic experiences during WWI on which she blamed a number of personal tragedies, including a stillborn child, the end of her marriage, and her pained relationship with D. H. Lawrence.