Browse by Subject: Latin American Studies

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Gaitanismo, Left Liberalism, and Popular Mobilization in Colombia

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Slavery Without Sugar: Diversity in Caribbean Economy and Society Since the 17th Century

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Embracing America: A Cuban Exile Comes of Age

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Black Seminoles in the Bahamas

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The Sugar Industry and the Abolition of Slave Trade, 1775-1810

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Cuba's Foreign Relations in a Post-Soviet World

This book emphasizes two key aspects of Cuban foreign relations: Cuba's adjustment since the disintegration of the Soviet bloc, and the ongoing confrontation between Cuba and the United States. Erisman proposes that Cuba has always been highly sensitive

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Vieques, the Navy, and Puerto Rican Politics

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Ritual and Sacrifice in the Corrida: The Saga of César Rincón

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Cultures of Multiple Fathers: The Theory and Practice of Partible Paternity in Lowland South America

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Haitians and African Americans: A Heritage of Tragedy and Hope

In the first comprehensive study of the relations between Haiti and black America from the colonial period to the present, Leon Pamphile shows how historical ties between these two communities of the African diaspora have affected their respective histori