Browse by Subject: Political Science

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Space Policy for the Twenty-First Century

A foundational resource for both students and professionals, this book provides a comprehensive, accessible overview of major space policies in the United States and a framework through which to analyze them.

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Janet Reno: A Life

The first full biography of former United States attorney general Janet Reno, this book examines the guiding forces that shaped Reno’s character, the trails blazed by Reno in her professional roles, and the lasting influence of Reno on American politics and society.

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Life in Space: NASA Life Sciences Research during the Late Twentieth Century

This book explores the many aspects and outcomes of NASA’s research in life sciences, a little-understood endeavor that has often been overlooked in histories of the space agency

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People Power: History, Organizing, and Larry Goodwyn's Democratic Vision in the Twenty-First Century

Featuring contributions from leading scholar-activists, this book demonstrates how the lessons of history can inform the building of new social justice movements today.

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Political Thought and the Origins of the American Presidency

This volume examines the political ideas behind the construction of the presidency in the United States Constitution, as well as how these ideas were implemented by the nation’s early presidents.

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James Monroe: A Republican Champion

Despite serving his country for 50 years and being among the most qualified men to hold the office of president, James Monroe is an oft-forgotten Founding Father. In this book, Brook Poston reveals how Monroe attempted to craft a legacy for himself as a champion of American republicanism.    

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American Government, Second Edition

This exciting new book explores the role of government, politics, and policy in American lives. Full of real life applications and scenarios, this text encourages and enables political thinking.         

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The Democracy Machine: How One Engineer Made Voting Possible for All

Learn the story behind the voting machine designed to be used by everyone, and meet the man who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people who have been marginalized exercise this country’s most empowering guarantee: the right to vote.

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Winning While Losing: Civil Rights, the Conservative Movement, and the Presidency from Nixon to Obama

This pioneering collection of essays explores the paradoxical nature of civil rights politics in the years following the 1960s civil rights movement by chronicling the ways in which presidential politics both advanced and constrained the quest for racial equality in the United States.

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Selling Guantánamo: Exploding the Propaganda Surrounding America's Most Notorious Military Prison

Reassessing the Bush and Obama administrations' justifications