Browse by Subject: Anthropology and Archaeology

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The Seneca Restoration, 1715–1754: An Iroquois Local Political Economy

By combining archaeological data grounded in the material culture of the Seneca Townley-Read site with historical documents, Jordan answers larger questions about the Seneca's cultural sustainability and durability in an era of intense colonial pressures. He offers a detailed reconstruction of daily life in the Seneca community and demonstrates that they were extremely selective about which aspects of European material culture, plant and animal species, and lifeways they allowed into their territory.

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The Archaeology of North American Farmsteads

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Aztec City-State Capitals

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Earth Architecture: From Ancient to Modern

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The Bioarchaeology of Tuberculosis: A Global View on a Reemerging Disease

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Florida's People During the Last Ice Age

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Revenge in the Cultures of Lowland South America

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Ancient Health: Skeletal Indicators of Agricultural and Economic Intensification

Confirming earlier conclusions that human health declined after the adoption of farming and the rise of civilization, this book greatly enlarges the geographical range of paleopathological studies by including new work from both established and up-and-coming scholars.

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Religion and the Politics of Ethnic Identity in Bahia, Brazil