Browse by Subject: Latin American Studies

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On Latinidad: U.S. Latino Literature and the Construction of Ethnicity

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U.S.-Cuban Cooperation Past, Present, and Future

"Shows that the strategic logic of U.S.-Cuba security cooperation remains so persuasive that it has even been intermittently embraced by such avowed antagonists as Fidel Castro and George W. Bush."--Daniel P. Erikson, Inter-American Dialogue

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Time and Memory in Indigenous Amazonia: Anthropological Perspectives

Without imposing traditionally Western notions of what "time" and "change" mean, the collection looks at how native Amazonians experienced forms of cultural memory and at how their narratives of the past helped construct their sense of the present and, inevitably, their own identity.

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Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santería: Speaking a Sacred World

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The "New Man" in Cuba: Culture and Identity in the Revolution

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The Stroessner Regime and Indigenous Resistance in Paraguay

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Cuba Avant-Garde: Contemporary Cuban Art from the Farber Collection

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Literary Amazonia: Modern Writing by Amazonian Authors

This remarkable selection of 20th-century Amazonian literature presents writing from the indigenous and mestizo people of the Amazon basin, recovering their forgotten voices for the Latin American literary canon.

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Panama Lost? U.S. Hegemony, Democracy, and the Canal

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Worldview, the Orichas, and Santería: Africa to Cuba and Beyond