Browse by Subject: Anthropology and Archaeology

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Black Seminoles in the Bahamas

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Windover: Multidisciplinary Investigations of an Early Archaic Florida Cemetery

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Salt: White Gold of the Ancient Maya

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Before and After Jamestown: Virginia's Powhatans and Their Predecessors

This is the story of America's first permanent English settlement as told through its relationship with Virginia’s native peoples.

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Ancient Miamians: The Tequesta of South Florida

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Cultures of Multiple Fathers: The Theory and Practice of Partible Paternity in Lowland South America

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Public Benefits of Archaeology

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Music of El Dorado: The Ethnomusicology of Ancient South American Cultures

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The Archaeology of Traditions: Agency and History Before and After Columbus

This book offers an archeological reevaluation of history itself:where it is, what it is, and how it came to be.

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Bioarchaeology of Spanish Florida: The Impact of Colonialism

These essays address the biological consequences of the arrival of Europeans in the New World and on the lifeways of native populations following contact in the late 16th century.