Explores cultural ideas of time in rural Trinidad and feelings of cooperation and conflict that result from using different models of time. Considers ethnic, class, and gender relationships in this context.
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Explores Seminole and Miccosukee culture through information provided by archaeology, ethnography, historical documents, and the oral histories of the Indians
Edited collection of essays examining the social evolution of the colonial Caribbean, from the end of slavery to mid-20th century. Focuses on social & ethnic groups, class, gender, & development of cultural & intellectual traditions.
In a novel and interdisciplinary form of scholarship, the author combines botany, archaeology, and art history in this study of contact between ancient American cultures. Focusing on the Zapotec of Mexico and the Moche of Peru, the author integrates
Comprehensive overview of ancient eastern North American monuments -- magnificently illustrated with 34 black-and-white plates and 188 drawings -- analyzing prehistoric architecture beginning more than 6,000 years ago
The first general introduction to the indigenous people of the Caribbean, written as a collection of essays from nineteen of the most prominent Caribbean specialists, among them archeologists, historians, ethnohistorians,
Edited collection of essays on the dynamics of chi
Illustrated history of Native Americans in Florida
Classic reprint of the standard archaeological ref
Classic reprint of 1952 pioneer archaeological stu