Browse by Subject: History

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Radio and the Struggle for Civil Rights in the South

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Life and Death on the Greenland Patrol, 1942

Not an account of grand strategy or hand-to-hand combat, this story of a twenty-year-old petty officer on duty in the Arctic is rather the life of an ordinary individual at war, coping with rigorous hardships during a time of great crisis.

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Planters' Progress: Modernizing Confederate Georgia

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"War Governor of the South": North Carolina's Zeb Vance in the Confederacy

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A Cherokee Woman's America: Memoirs of Narcissa Owen, 1831-1907

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The Atlantic Slave Trade

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Big Dish: Building America's Deep Space Connection to the Planets

International politics, intrigue, and amazing scientific feats create the story behind NASA’s quest to communicate in deep space via the development of the massive communications grid built between remote sites in California, Spain, and Australia.

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The Atlanta Riot: Race, Class, and Violence in a New South City