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Surfing Florida is a visual history of how the Sunshine State carved out a place for itself on the map of surfing meccas.
Entomologist Jiri Hulcr and science journalist Marc Abrahams offer a funny and informative introduction to the bark beetle, one of the world’s most maligned, misunderstood, and fascinating insects.
Hiaasenesque, classic reprint of a 1958 satire of the early days of Florida development. The protagonist, a NY City PR man seeking peace in Florida, uses his PR skills to "unsell" Florida & discourage tourists, investors, & developers away forever.
An account of the experiences of 37 women who use methadone-heroin survivors whose lives continue to be controlled by methadone and by the clinics that dispense it - concentrates on women in Florida who grew up during the 1950s and 1960s.
This volume explores the impacts humans have made on island and coastal ecosystems and the ways these environments have adapted to anthropogenic changes over the course of millennia.
Your handy guide to eco-friendly landscape design
Sustainable Gardening for the Southeast is a vividly illustrated guide that offers simple techniques to help conserve water, reduce pollutants, and mitigate climate change while increasing biodiversity and attracting pollinators and wildlife.
Sinan Koont has spent the last several years researching urban agriculture in Cuba, including field work at many sustainable farms on the island. He tells the story of why and how Cuba was able to turn to urban food production on a large scale with minimal use of chemicals, petroleum, and machinery, and of the successes it achieved--along with the continuing difficulties it still faces in reducing its need for food imports.