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The Archaeology of the Homed and the Unhomed

The first comprehensive discussion of the historical archaeology of homelessness, this book highlights the social complexities, ambiguities, and significance of the home and the unhomed in the archaeological record.

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The Archaeology of the Logging Industry

In this book, John Franzen surveys archaeological studies of logging sites across the nation from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, explaining how material evidence found at these locations illustrates key aspects of the American experience during this era.

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Archaeology of the Mediterranean during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages

This book presents multidisciplinary perspectives on Greece, Corsica, Malta, and Sicily from the fourth to the thirteenth centuries, an often-overlooked time in the history and archaeology of the central Mediterranean.

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Archaeology of the Mid-Holocene Southeast

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The Archaeology of the North American Fur Trade

Including research from historical archaeologists and a case study of the Fort St. Joseph trading post in Michigan, this innovative work highlights the fur trade's role in the settlement of the continent, its impact on social relations, and how its study can lead to a better understanding of the American experience.

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The Archaeology of the Upper Amazon: Complexity and Interaction in the Andean Tropical Forest

This volume brings together archaeologists working in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia to construct a new prehistory of the Upper Amazon, outlining cultural developments from the late third millennium B.C. to the Inca Empire of the sixteenth century A.D.

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The Archaeology of Traditions: Agency and History Before and After Columbus

This book offers an archeological reevaluation of history itself:where it is, what it is, and how it came to be.

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The Archaeology of Utopian and Intentional Communities

Utopian and intentional communities have dotted the American landscape since the colonial era, yet only in recent decades have archaeologists begun analyzing the material culture left behind by these groups. The case studies in this volume use archaeological evidence to reveal how these communities upheld their societal ideals—and how some diverged from them in everyday life.


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The Archaeology of Villages in Eastern North America

The emergence of village societies out of hunter-gatherer groups profoundly transformed social relations in every part of the world where such communities formed. Drawing on the latest archaeological and historical evidence, this volume explores the development of villages in eastern North America from the Late Archaic period to the eighteenth century.            

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The Archaeology of Warfare: Prehistories of Raiding and Conquest