This book addresses the following topics: The Campbell Baker Hausdor formula; sl(2) and its Representations; classical simple algebras; Engel-Lie-Cartan-Weyl; conjugacy of Cartan subalgebras; simple finite dimensional algebras; cyclic highest weight modules; Serre's theorem; Clifford algebras and spin representations; The Kostant Dirac operator; The center of U(g); and Chevalley's theorem.
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Ride, ride, ride--The true story of America’s most infamous black outlaw
Not an account of grand strategy or hand-to-hand combat, this story of a twenty-year-old petty officer on duty in the Arctic is rather the life of an ordinary individual at war, coping with rigorous hardships during a time of great crisis.
A monumental synthesis of a half century of research, this book investigates three communities from the ancient Nubian civilization of the Nile River Valley. Excavations in this region first inspired the “biocultural approach” to human biology now used by anthropologists worldwide, and Life and Death on the Nile exemplifies the very best of this perspective. It is the life’s work of two highly accomplished anthropologists.
This collection of essays explores the dynamic new face of Southern labor since 1950.
How, and why, one individual--once known as the most dangerous man in America--could become a loyal foot soldier on both sides of the Cold War ideological divide is the subject of this fascinating, incisive biography.
This book is the first biography of Graham Jackson, a virtuosic musician whose life story displays the complexities of being a Black professional in the segregated South.