Looking at the writing of three Irish expatriates who lived in Trieste, London, and Paris, Nels Pearson challenges conventional critical trends that view their work as either affirming Irish anti-colonial sentiment or embracing international identity.
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In this book, Neil Davison argues that Albert Altman, a Dublin-based businessman and Irish nationalist, influenced James Joyce’s creation of the character of Leopold Bloom as well as Ulysses’ broader themes surrounding race, nationalism, and empire.
In case studies that include the Caribbean, Latin America, and the United States, the contributors to this interdisciplinary volume trace the establishment of Islam in the Americas over the past three centuries.
The first English language study of the Islamic institutions of South Africa, tracing their development over the last 200 years, from the first European colony in the 17th century through British colonialism and apartheid.
Ahmad Moussalli leaves no doubt, contrary to many views in the media, public policy, and scholarly worlds, that the opposition between Islam ideals and democracy, individual liberty, civil society, and limited government is more illusory than real.
An accessible primer on Islamic society, providing a good historical overview with a focus on how Islam is practiced in daily life. Significant new material on Islam in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States, as well as the Middle East, details the
Takes a bold yet candid look at the highly charged topic of Jesus’s place in Islam, exploring some of the religion’s least understood aspects.