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Historical Sketches of Colonial Florida

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Historical Thought and Literary Representation in West Indian Literature

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The Historical Turn in Southeastern Archaeology

This volume uses case studies to capture the recent emphasis on history in archaeological reconstructions of America’s deep past, representing a profound shift in thinking about precolonial and colonial history and helping to erase the false divide between ancient and contemporary America.  

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The History and Antiquities of the City of St. Augustine, Florida

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History and Approaches to Heritage Studies

History and Approaches to Heritage Studies explores the historical development of cultural heritage theory and practice, as well as current issues in the field. It brings together  archaeologists who are deeply engaged with a range of stakeholders in heritage management and training.

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History of Andersonville Prison, revised edition

Examines diaries and firsthand accounts of prisoners, guards, and officers, and both Confederate and Federal government records (including the transcript of the trial of Capt. Henry Wirz, the alleged "fiend of Andersonville").

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The History of Brazil under the Governorship of Count Johan Maurits of Nassau, 1636–1644

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The History of Florida

Twenty-three leading historians offer a wealth of perspectives and expertise on the past 500 years in the Land of Sunshine.

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A History of Florida Forests

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The History of Human Space Flight

Beginning with the invention of balloons that lifted early explorers into the stratosphere, Ted Spitzmiller describes how humans first came to employ lifting gasses such as hydrogen and helium. He traces the influence of science fiction writers on the development of rocket science, looks at the role of rocket societies in the early twentieth century, and discusses the use of rockets in World War II warfare.