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New Histories of Pre-Columbian Florida

Representing the next wave of southeastern archaeology, the essays in this book resoundingly argue that Florida is a crucial hub of archaeological inquiry. Contributors use new data to challenge well-worn models of environmental determinism and localized social contact.

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New Histories of Village Life at Crystal River

This volume explores how native peoples of the Southeastern United States cooperated to form large and permanent early villages using the site of Crystal River on Florida’s Gulf Coast as a case study.  

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New Immigrants, New Land: A Study of Brazilians in Massachusetts

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The "New Man" in Cuba: Culture and Identity in the Revolution

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New Methods and Theories for Analyzing Mississippian Imagery

Exploring various methodological and theoretical approaches to pre-Columbian visual culture, the essays in this volume reconstruct dynamic accounts of Native American history across the U.S. Southeast. 

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A New Orleans Voudou Priestess: The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau

Long explores the unique social, political, and legal setting in which the lives of Laveau’s African and European ancestors became intertwined in nineteenth-century New Orleans. With 39 illustrations.

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New Woman and Colonial Adventure Fiction in Victorian Britain: Gender, Genre, and Empire

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New York Longshoremen: Class and Power on the Docks

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Nexus of Empire: Negotiating Loyalty and Identity in the Revolutionary Borderlands, 1760s–1820s

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Nine Florida Stories by Marjory Stoneman Douglas