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Pilobolus: A Story of Dance and Life

This is the first history of the innovative, beloved, and critically acclaimed dance theatre company Pilobolus, with revelatory behind-the-scenes details of its creators and significant works.

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Pioneer of Tropical Landscape Architecture: William Lyman Phillips in Florida

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A Pioneer Son at Sea: Fishing Tales of Old Florida

Tight lines, full nets, and a bygone era

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Pirandello and His Muse: The Plays for Marta Abba

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Plain Folk in a Rich Man's War: Class and Dissent in Confederate Georgia

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Planters' Progress: Modernizing Confederate Georgia

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Play All Night! Duane Allman and the Journey to Fillmore East

Bob Beatty dives deep into the motivations and musical background of Duane Allman to tell the story of what made At Fillmore East not just a smash hit, but one of the most important live rock albums in history.

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Plot Snakes and the Dynamics of Narrative Experience

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Plugged In: Cybersecurity in the Modern Age

At the University of Florida some of the brightest minds in cybersecurity related fields have teamed together to form the Florida Institute for Cybersecurity Research. In Plugged In, we meet the men and women at the Florida Institute for Cybersecurity Research who have devoted their careers to studying and staying one step ahead of the bad guys.

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Poems by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings: Songs of a Housewife