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Women's Lives and the Eighteenth-Century English Novel

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Wondrous Worlds: Art and Islam through Time and Place

Unlike countless other catalogues of Islamic art that have organized works of art by region, time period, medium (ink, silk, gold, etc.), or visual subject matter (pattern, figures, etc.), this publication introduces material through the window of the Five Pillars of Islam. Foundational to the life of devout Muslims are the five pillars, called arkan in Arabic. They are the profession of faith (shahada), daily prayers (salat), charity (zakat), ritual fasting for Ramadan (sawm) and pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj). These pillars are illustrated with objects related to their activity. 

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The World to Come: Art in the Age of the Anthropocene

Published in conjunction with a major exhibition at the Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, this catalogue examines an era of rapid, radical, and irrevocable ecological change through scholarly essays and works of art by 45 contemporary international artists.

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A World View of Bioculturally Modified Teeth

Tooth modification has been practiced throughout many time periods and places to convey information about individual people, their societies, and their relationships to others. This volume represents the wide spectrum of intentional dental modification in humans across the globe over the past 16,000 years.


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Worldview, the Orichas, and SanterĂ­a: Africa to Cuba and Beyond

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Write of Passage: Stories of the American Era of the Panama Canal

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Writing for the Public Good: Essays from David R. Colburn and Senator Bob Graham

This book presents over 100 important opinion pieces from David R. Colburn and Senator Bob Graham, two of the most influential public figures in recent Florida history, illustrating the power of civic engagement in tackling issues facing the nation.

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Writing in the Dark, Dancing in The New Yorker

A collection of the best of America's best writer on dance, containing her most significant and provocative pieces.

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Writing Islands: Space and Identity in the Transnational Cuban Archipelago

Analyzing works of contemporary Cuban writers on the island alongside those in exile, Elena Lahr-Vivaz offers a new lens to explore the multiplicity of Cuban space and identity, arguing that these writers approach their nation as part of a larger, transnational network of islands.

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The Writing of War: French and German Fiction and World War II

Combines literary history and textual analysis to argue that many established French and German writers (Mann, Junger, Camus, Sartre) were unsuccessful in their attempts to write about World War II because they refused