For as long as orchid hybrids have been made, breeders have been naming them after prominent women of the day. Chadwick & Son Orchids has named and presented namesake cattleyas to nineteen consecutive First Ladies. First Ladies and Their Orchids: A Century of Namesake Cattleyas tells the story of these nineteen hybrids and the First Ladies they were named after, from Woodrow Wilson’s second wife, Edith, who coveted “canaries, bourbon, and orchids,” through Doctor Jill Biden, who lives just minutes from the Chadwick home in Wilmington, Delaware.
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This book explores the forms and trajectories of social complexity among fisher-hunter-gatherers who lived in coastal, estuarine, and riverine settings in pre-Columbian North America.
This book is a comprehensive identification guide to the 222 species of fishes in Florida’s fresh waters. Each species is presented with color photographs, key characteristics for identification, comparisons to similar species, habitat descriptions, and dot distribution maps.
In Fishing Florida’s Flats, world-champion angler Jan Stephen Maizler draws on the expertise of numerous "flatsmasters," who share their wisdom on how to maximize one’s chances of landing a trophy catch. With 47 b&w photographs.
Jan Maizler, a world-renowned light tackle expert, shares more than 30 years' experience and innovative tactics for catching this popular fish in its range from the Carolinas to Texas.
Author and experienced fishing guide Ron Presley offers practical information to anglers of all skill levels and interests in this clear, concise guide.
The Catawba Nation played an important role in the early colonial Southeast, serving as a military ally of the British and a haven for refugees from other native groups, yet it has largely been overlooked by scholars and the public. Fit for War explains how the Nation maintained its sovereignty while continuing to reside in its precolonial homeland near present-day Charlotte, North Carolina.
Account of the covert humanitarian effort known as Operation Pedro Pan (1960-1962) in which 14,048 Cuban children were airlifted into the U.S. Explores US role as well as the aftermath of the children's separation from parents forced to remain in Cuba.