This volume provides a comprehensive Latin American perspective on the role of humor in the Spanish- and Portuguese-language Internet, highlighting how online humor influences politics and culture in Latin America.
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Bringing together the perspectives of archaeologists, ethnohistorians, and art historians, this collection of tightly integrated case studies highlight the significance of material objects to the study and interpretation of Native North American culture,
This richly illustrated volume highlights the history of Islamic cosmopolitanism as documented through works of art from the eighth century to the present, examining artistic exchange between Muslim and non-Muslim societies.
A road trip through history and the heart of the first frontier
A road trip through time down the eastern seaboard
This volume presents a global array of case studies on the management of shipwreck sites in intertidal zones, including strategies for conservation, archaeological research, and public outreach focused on such vulnerable sites.
An Introduction to British Arthurian Narrative covers over 400 years and discusses a broad range of romances, histories, and parodies written about King Arthur in Britain during the medieval period.
Designed as an introduction for students as well as a convenient, one-volume resource for medievalists and specialists in related fields, this authoritative work is both concise and comprehensive. It includes a complete account of Christine de Pizan’s life and times, summaries and commentary on all of her many works, and analyses of her sources and influences.