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Bioarchaeology of Ethnogenesis in the Colonial Southeast

This work offers a different perspective on Florida’s indigenous tribes, one that is explicitly interdisciplinary in inferring the formation of a new ethnic consciousness among La Florida’s indigenous communities.

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Bioarchaeology of Frontiers and Borderlands

Essays in this volume examine borderland settings in cultural contexts that include Roman Egypt, Iron Age Italy, eleventh-century Iceland, and the precontact American Great Basin and Southwest. Contributors look at isotope data, skeletal stress markers, craniometric and dental metric information, mortuary arrangements, and other evidence to examine how frontier life can affect health and socioeconomic status. Illustrating the many meanings and definitions of frontiers and borderlands, they question assumptions about the relationships between people, place, and identity.     

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The Bioarchaeology of Individuals

From Bronze Age Thailand to Viking Iceland, from an Egyptian oasis to a family farm in Canada, The Bioarchaeology of Individuals invites readers to unearth the daily lives of people throughout history.

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Bioarchaeology of Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica: An Interdisciplinary Approach

This volume offers a novel interdisciplinary view of the migration, mobility, ethnicity, and social identities of pre-Columbian Mesoamerican peoples. In studies that combine bioarchaeology, ethnohistory, isotope data, and dental morphology, contributors demonstrate the challenges and rewards of such integrative work when applied to large regional questions of population history.

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Bioarchaeology of Spanish Florida: The Impact of Colonialism

These essays address the biological consequences of the arrival of Europeans in the New World and on the lifeways of native populations following contact in the late 16th century.

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Bioarchaeology of the Florida Gulf Coast: Adaptation, Conflict, and Change

In Bioarchaeology of the Florida Gulf Coast, Dale Hutchinson explores the role of human adaptation along the Gulf Coast of Florida and the influence of coastal foraging on several indigenous Florida populations.

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The Bioarchaeology of the Human Head: Decapitation, Decoration, and Deformation

Building on the notion that human remains provide a window into the past, especially regarding identity, the contributors to this volume reflect on intentional and ritualized practices of manipulating the human head within ancient societies. These essays explore the human head’s symbolic role in political, social, economic, and religious ritual over the centuries.

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The Bioarchaeology of Tuberculosis: A Global View on a Reemerging Disease

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The Bioarchaeology of Violence

Experts on a wide range of ancient societies highlight the meaning and motivation of past uses of violence, revealing how violence often plays an important role in maintaining and suppressing the challenges to the status quo, and how it is frequently a performance meant to be witnessed by others.

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The Biocultural Consequences of Contact in Mexico: Five Centuries of Change

This volume examines how Mexican populations have been shaped both culturally and biologically by European colonization, drawing on methods from archaeology, bioarchaeology, genetics, and history and providing evidence for the resilience of the Mexican people in the face of tumultuous change.