In this extensively researched book, Anna Clayfield challenges contemporary Western views on the militarization of Cuba. She argues that, while the pervasiveness of armed forces in revolutionary Cuba is hard to refute, it is the guerrilla legacy, ethos, and image—guerrillerismo—that has helped the Cuban revolutionary project survive. The veneration of the guerrilla fighter has been crucial to the political culture’s underdog mentality.
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Accessible, accurate, and up-to-date, with striking color photographs and range maps!
Guide and Reference to the Turtles and Lizards of Western North America (North of Mexico) and Hawaii
Accessible, accurate, and up-to-date, with striking color photographs and range maps!
This accessible guide approaches the daunting work in a way that provides handrails for beginners while, at the same time, presenting new insights for experienced readers.
In this introduction to the work of somatic dance education pioneer Nancy Topf, readers are ushered on a journey to explore the movement of the body through a close awareness of anatomical form and function.