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Telling Migrant Stories: Latin American Diaspora in Documentary Film

Telling Migrant Stories explores how contemporary documentary film gives voice to Latin American immigrants whose stories would not otherwise be heard. 


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Tenochtitlan: Capital of the Aztec Empire

In this fascinating book, eminent expert José Luis de Rojas presents an accessible yet authoritative exploration of this famous city--interweaving glimpses into its inhabitants’ daily lives with the broader stories of urbanization, culture, and the rise and fall of the Aztec empire.

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Teodoro Moscoso and Puerto Rico’s Operation Bootstrap

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Territorial Rule in Colombia and the Transformation of the Llanos Orientales

In this volume, Jane Rausch surveys sixty years of history in the Llanos, between 1946 and 2010, combining perspective gained by her first-hand experiences with archival research.

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Textual and Critical Intersections: Conversations with Laurence Sterne and Others

In this collection of wide-ranging essays representing fifty years of scholarship on Laurence Sterne, Melvyn New brings Sterne into conversation with other authors from the past three centuries.

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Thatched Roofs and Open Sides: The Architecture of Chickees and Their Changing Role in Seminole Society

In Thatched Roofs and Open Sides, Carrie Dilley reveals the design, construction, history, and cultural significance of the chickee, the unique Seminole structure made of palmetto and cypress.

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Theatrical Worlds

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Theology of Hate: A History of the World Church of the Creator

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The Theory and Practice of Online Learning

Essays by practitioners and scholars active in the complex, diverse, and rapidly evolving field of distance education blend scholarship and research; practical attention to the details of teaching and learning; and mindful attention to the economics of the business of education. Contents: Eighteen expert essays, divided into the following four parts: PART I: Role and Function of Theory in Online Education Development and Delivery. PART II: Infrastructure and Support for Content Development. PART III: Design and Development of Online Courses. PART IV: Delivery, Quality Control, and Student Support of Online Courses.

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Theory of functions of a real variable

This text is for a beginning graduate course in real variables and functional analysis. It assumes that the student has seen the basics of real variable theory and point set topology. Contents: 1) The topology of metric spaces. 2) Hilbert Spaces and Compact operators. 3) The Fourier Transform. 4) Measure theory. 5) The Lebesgue integral. 6) The Daniell integral. 7) Wiener measure, Brownian motion and white noise. 8) Haar measure. 9) Banach algebras and the spectral theorem. 10) The spectral theorem. 11) Stone's theorem. 12) More about the spectral theorem. 13) Scattering theory.