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Indian River Lagoon traces the winding story of the waterway, showing how humans have altered the area to fit their needs and also how the lagoon has influenced the cultures along its shores.
This fascinating look at the cultural and military importance of British forts in the colonial era explains how these forts served as communities in Indian country more than as bastions of British imperial power.
Ann Axtmann examines powwows as practiced primarily along the Atlantic coastline, from New Jersey to New England.
A collection of essays summarizing current knowledge of southeastern Native Americans during the colonial encounter (post 1500). Integrates archaeological, documentary, and ethno-historical evidence in the most comprehensive examination of diverse southe
This book highlights early-career Indigenous scholars conducting research in North America who are advancing the growing paradigm of archaeological study done with, by, and for members of Native-descendant communities.
The first general introduction to the indigenous people of the Caribbean, written as a collection of essays from nineteen of the most prominent Caribbean specialists, among them archeologists, historians, ethnohistorians,