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The Cult of BolĂ­var in Latin American Literature

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Cultural Heritage Management: A Global Perspective

From international law to artifact preservation to site interpretation, there is a wide variety of approaches to the management of our cultural heritage. Combining the voices of scholars and practitioners, the book provides a much-needed diversity of voices and perspectives from people steeped in the issues that directly affect the future of the past.

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Cultural Landscapes in the Ancient Andes: Archaeologies of Place

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Culture and Mass Communication in the Caribbean: Domination, Dialogue, Dispersion

This collection reviews established and emerging perspectives on the relationship among mass communication, the cultures of dominant societies, and the culture of the Caribbean.

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The Culture of Gender and Sexuality in the Caribbean

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The Culture War in the Civil Rights Movement

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Cultures of Multiple Fathers: The Theory and Practice of Partible Paternity in Lowland South America

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The Cultures of the Hispanic Caribbean

While difficult to define--and sometimes even to locate--the Hispanic Caribbean is fraught with tension. The region includes nations that have common histories yet very different contemporary political characteristics. This essay collection maps out the

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The Cumberland River Archaic of Middle Tennessee

For thousands of years, the inhabitants of the Middle Cumberland River Valley harvested shellfish for food and raw materials then deposited the remains in dense concentrations along the river. Very little research has been published on the Archaic period shell mounds in this region. Demonstrating that nearly forty such sites exist, this volume presents the results of recent surveys, excavations, and laboratory work as well as fresh examinations of past investigations that have been difficult for scholars to access.