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The Communist Movement in Syria and Lebanon

First comprehensive examination of the communist m

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Communists and Perverts under the Palms: The Johns Committee in Florida, 1956-1965

Communists and Perverts under the Palms reveals how the creation of the Johns Committee was a logical and unsurprising result of historic societal anxieties about race, sexuality, obscenity, and liberalism.

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Comparative Perspectives on Afro-Latin America

Comparative Perspectives on Afro-Latin America offers a new, dynamic discussion of the experience of blackness and cultural difference, black political mobilization, and state responses to Afro-Latin activism throughout Latin America.

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The Complete Florida Beach Guide

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The Complete Letters of Constance Fenimore Woolson

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A Comprehensive Outline of World History

This free PDF textbook presents Jack E. Maxfield's "A Comprehensive Outline of World History" as originally organized, chronologically by era and across regions within an era. Each chapter covers a period of historical time (e.g. a century). Sections

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Concept Development Studies in Chemistry

This is an on-line textbook for an Introductory General Chemistry course. Each module develops a central concept in Chemistry from experimental observations and inductive reasoning. This approach complements an interactive or active learning teaching approach. Additional multimedia resources can be found at:

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Concepts in Calculus I, Second Edition

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Concepts in Calculus II

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Concepts in Calculus III: Multivariable Calculus