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French Colonial Archaeology in the Southeast and Caribbean

This innovative collection of essays brings together archaeological research on French colonial sites from Maryland, South Carolina, the Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley, the Caribbean, and French Guiana to explore the nature of French colonization.

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The French in Early Florida: In the Eye of the Hurricane

Depicts the dramatic fate of the expeditions that attempted to plant a permanent French presence on North America's eastern seaboard during the 1560s. This campaign became one of the most stunning defeats in the history of European colonialism when

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The French New Autobiographies: Sarraute, Duras, and Robbe-Grillet

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The French School of Classical Ballet: The First Year of Training

An invaluable resource for teachers of young dancers, this volume serves as a blueprint for a complete beginning ballet curriculum or simply as a source of reference for certain steps, positions, or exercises that exemplify French ballet training.

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Freshwater Plants in the Southeastern United States

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Fringe Florida: Travels among Mud Boggers, Furries, Ufologists, Nudists, and Other Lovers of Unconventional Lifestyles

Leave your inhibitions at the state line

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Froissart Across the Genres

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From Africa to Jamaica: The Making of an Atlantic Slave Society, 1775–1807

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From Death Row to Freedom: The Struggle for Racial Justice in the Pitts-Lee Case

This book is an insider’s account of the case of Freddie Lee Pitts and Wilbert Lee, two Black men who were wrongfully charged and convicted of murder and sentenced to death during the civil rights era of the 1960s.