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Journey of a River Walker: Paddling the St. Johns River

When Ray Whaley set out to accomplish his bucket-list goal of kayaking the length of the St. Johns River, it didn’t take long for him to realize he was in over his head. The longest river in Florida, stretching 310 miles between Vero Beach and Jacksonville, the St. Johns had been paddled in its entirety by only a handful of people. Whaley found himself blazing his own trail on an exciting and unexpected adventure.           

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Journeys Through Paradise: Pioneering Naturalists in the Southeast

Following the original steps of pioneering naturalists, Gail Fishman profiles thirteen men who explored North America’s southeastern wilderness between 1715 and the 1940s, including John James Audubon, Mark Catesby, John and William Bartram, and John Muir.

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Journeys with Florida's Indians

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Joyce and Geometry

Joyce and Geometry reveals the full extent to which the modernist writer James Joyce was influenced by the radical theories of non-Euclidean geometry. Tracing Joyce’s obsession with measuring and mapping space throughout his works, Ciaran McMorran delves into a major theme in Joyce’s work that has not been thoroughly explored until now.

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Joyce and Militarism

In Joyce and Militarism, Greg Winston considers Joyce's masterworks in light of the longstanding shadows that military culture and ideology cast over the society in which the writer lived and wrote.

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Joyce and the Early Freudians: A Synchronic Dialogue of Texts

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Joyce and the Law

Making the case that legal issues are central to James Joyce’s life and work, international experts in law and literature offer new insights into Joyce’s most important texts. They analyze Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Giacomo Joyce, Ulysses, and Finnegans Wake in light of the legal contexts of Joyce’s day.


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Joyce, Aristotle, and Aquinas

In this book, Fran O’Rourke examines the influence of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas on James Joyce, arguing that both thinkers fundamentally shaped the philosophical outlook which pervades the author’s oeuvre.

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Joyce in Trieste: An Album of Risky Readings

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Joyce, Joyceans, and the Rhetoric of Citation

Examines Joyce's aversion to quotation marks (he c