The first full-scale political history of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, tracing its struggle for black civil and political equality from its founding in 1909 through the post-civil rights years.
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A unique in-depth comparative study of two classic literary works, this volume examines essential themes in James Joyce’s Ulysses and Homer’s Odyssey, showing how each work highlights and clarifies aspects of the other.
Without imposing traditionally Western notions of what "time" and "change" mean, the collection looks at how native Amazonians experienced forms of cultural memory and at how their narratives of the past helped construct their sense of the present and, inevitably, their own identity.
An interactive, hands-on introduction to the inhabitants of 16th-century Florida and the methods that archaeologists and historians use to study them. 47 "Detective Directives" invite kids to follow clues & conduct their own investigative activities:
Presenting the complete set of Tokaido gojusan tsui prints in vivid color, along with text from the woodcuts transcribed and translated from the Japanese, this book is an invaluable resource for collectors, art historians, and students of this classic technique.
Explores the tumultuous emergence of the African American working class in Jacksonville between Reconstruction and the 1920s.
In this book, Tatiana McInnis examines literary and cultural representations of Miami alongside the city’s material realities to challenge the image of South Florida as a diverse cosmopolitan paradise.
This book explores the lives and careers of Todd Bolender and Janet Reed, two unsung trailblazers who were pivotal to the development of ballet in America over the course of the twentieth century.